Simply email and request an application form

Membership cost
Membership, which includes up to seven free places at our annual conference (when not virtual), is available to installations that are current or immediately pending customers of IBM or one of its subsidiaries. All employees of a member organization are eligible to participate in all GSE activities, with one person designated as the official installation representative.
We believe our fees represent exceptional value. Membership for the first or main customer site is 880 EURO per calendar year. Individual memberships are available subject to approval at 388 EURO per year.
To join us: please send an email to and ask for an application form. Alternatively, the form and more information are available on the GSE HQ pages. Thank you for being a part of GSE.
“I’ve taken a number of things I’ve learned with GSE back into the workplace to help my employer work more securely and efficiently.”
Benefits: free admission to our annual conference
Member organizations receive FIVE free places plus TWO free places for a trainee. The UK’s biggest event of its kind, when on-site this multi-stream conference over 2-3 days features input from most if not all UK Working Groups, and provides more than 200 hours of technical training and other sessions from GSE members, IBM and other vendors. Plenty of time is available to meet and chat with speakers, vendors and other delegates during breaks, evening receptions and dinners. Learn more at the GSE UK Conference pages and Events page.
Benefits: Working Group meetings
Our members can access and share the latest information on products and industry trends while networking with their peers. Each GSE Working Group focuses on discussing, investigating and resolving issues on a specific topic or technology. Some are specific, for example covering CICS and Db2. Others tackle broader issues such as Security, Application Development and Software Asset Management. Each group is assigned an IBM liaison for direct access to the right contacts at IBM. Members receive updated lists of all Working Groups and their contact details. Visit our Working Groups page for more information. Meeting dates are listed on the Events page.
Benefits: discounts for GSE UK members
- 20% discount on fees for IBM Technical Conferences, 20% on IBM Training Courses in Europe and 15% discount for IBM STG Technical Conferences in the USA. Visit the GSE HQ membership information page for more details.
- 20% discount on the fee for taking the Mainframe Technology Professional (MTP) exams. For information on this offer and the MTP qualification please visit our Train page or
Benefits: European events – via GSE HQ
- GSE GUIDE Spring Event – annual Europe-wide meeting on the management and evaluation of IT concepts and products. GSE UK members get ONE free place.
- Guide Technology Council (GTC) – a one and a half day event at IBM Labs to provide first-hand insights into upcoming solutions and looking at cross-industry topics, including presentations on new tech, strategies, customer references, and two-way discussion and feedback sessions.

“There are three reasons why it makes sense to attend. First, networking: meeting people, discussing problems and sharing knowledge. Second, cross-fertilization of ideas: technical experts meeting and sharing tools, ideas and solutions. And perhaps the greatest benefit is the training attendees can receive.”