The mainframe standard
MTP exams and qualifications were designed and developed by specialists working with the British Computer Society, at the request of some of the world’s biggest mainframe users who wanted a structured path for employees. Guide Share Europe is now responsible for the governance of MTP: our well-established series of qualifications continues to grow in the UK and around the world, with many organizations sponsoring their personnel through the training.

Benefits for employers
The MTP programme demonstrates to internal and external customers the professionalism and expertise of data centers and their personnel. It helps employers to:
- Improve in-house skills and resource management
- Increase competitive advantage in contracts and tenders
- Assess, measure and benchmark technical skills and employee progress
- Offer employees more – and enhance employee development
Benefits for individuals
MTP training gives professionals working in mainframe environments an opportunity to:
- Gain recognized qualifications that certify your expertise
- Identify and focus on strengths and weaknesses
- Plan more structured career paths
- Understand and focus on a specialism
- Differentiate yourself in the workplace

Training at our annual conference
“An excellent way for corporates to train their staff and keep them up to date: GSE membership gives corporate members free places. It’s three days of training across a wide range of topics, including what’s new in software, operating systems and hardware.”
The GSE UK annual conference provides extensive opportunities for technical training, across multiple streams, disciplines and technologies. Member organizations receive five free places.
The 2022 event featured more than 200 delegate sessions, with technical content rated on the ‘chilli scale’ of difficulty, and presenters and session leaders drawn from GSE members and including noted industry practitioners, IBM thought leaders and expert consultants. Training covered areas including Mainframe 101, Large Systems, Linux on Z, Storage Management, Network Management, Enterprise Security, CICS, IMS, DB2, MQ, zCMPA, Application Development, Batch Workload Scheduling, and System Automation, Monitoring and Analytics.
“For me, it’s all about education, and learning more about what’s driving this industry. You are hearing from leading experts in their field teaching you new things about, for example, securing the mainframe. With the different streams and timings, you can tailor-make that education in line with your own and your employer’s requirements.”